Positive six-month results were maintained a year after TIF procedure; all control patients crossed over to receive TIF procedure and achieved similar results to original treatment group Data Presented at DDW® 2014 CHICAGO (May 5, 2014)—EndoGastric Solutions® (EGS), a...
Baldino brings nearly three decades of healthcare leadership experience to EGS as it works to advance the field of advanced endoluminal procedural techniques SAN MATEO, Calif. (May 1, 2014)–EndoGastric Solutions® (EGS), the leader in endoluminal reconstructive...
Data Shows TIF Procedure Controls Subjective Parameters Better Than Maximum Dose PPI Therapy While Achieving Similar Objective Results SAN MATEO, Calif. (April 22, 2014)–EndoGastric Solutions® (EGS), the leader in endoluminal reconstructive treatment for...
Highlights include the presentation of 12-month follow-up data from first randomized controlled trial of Transoral Incisionless Fundoplication (TIF®) procedure with the EsophyX® device SAN MATEO, Calif. (April 28, 2014) EndoGastric Solutions® (EGS), the leader in...